Ideological hatred

Ricardo Rodríguez García

May 21, 1995. Alcorcón

In Costa Polvoranca (Alcorcón-Madrid), several far-right skinheads assaulted Ricardo Rodriguez a 20-year-old young man who received a fatal stab in the heart. A friend of the victim also was stabbed in the buttock. Three other young men were injured by the neo-Nazis when they succored the dying young. Ricardo Rodriguez was attacked when he was with three friends in front of “La Puta calle”, a pub frequented by punks. The attackers came from the bar “Don Quijote de la Mancha”, located a few meters from there. The survivors of the attack, with minor injuries, reported that neo-Nazi skinheads showed no mercy to the deceased because he “look bad” at them.

During the attack, attributed by police to a clash between urban tribes, neo-Nazis not only used knives and chains, but also an airsoft gun. According to witnesses, they squeezed the trigger twice.
The Court assumed that it was a fight between urban tribes.

Ideological hatred



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