Younes Slimani

El 25 d’abril de 2016 Ángel Luis VJ, Guàrdia Civil que estava de baixa laboral però portava la seva arma reglamentària i un matxet de 45,5 centímetres de fulla lligat a l’esquena, va envestir el cotxe de Younes Slimani i el va obligar a baixar, després el que li va…

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Said Tahraoui

Jorge Callejas Hernández va matar la seva víctima després d’haver estat parlant amistosament amb ella a un bar. En aquest establiment havia quedat amb el seu cosí i tots dos s’hi van estar hores fins que va tancar. Posteriorment, el botxí va veure com esta persona sense sostre, d’origen algerià,…

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Francisco Javier U.P., ‘la Ely’

Francisco Javier tenia 59 anys i era un activista gai conegut popularment amb el sobrenom de ‘la Ely’. Un menor de quinze anys el va agredir brutalment i va estar ingressat a l’hospital quaranta dies fins que va morir a conseqüència del dany cerebral causat pels múltiples traumatismes ocasionats durant…

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Javier Abil Orpegui

Javier va convidar a sa casa a dos joves després d’una nit de festa. Allà, segons expliquen els agressors, van descobrir la seua orientació sexual i el van matar a ganivetades. Avisarien altres dues persones per desfer-se del cos després d’esquarterar-lo. El principal acusat fou condemnat a setze anys i…

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Ángel Berrueta

Els fets van passar dos dies després dels atemptats de l’11 de març a Madrid. Una dona va acudir a la fleca que regentava la víctima per col·locar un cartell amb la llegenda “ETA NO”. El comerciant, que havia posat un crespó negre en senyal de dol, es va negar…

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Rogelio Jesús Pérez Marcelino

A victim of an alleged homophobic murder in his own home. After a few drinks with a friend, Rogelio invited him to his home and always according to the murderer’s version, the victim attempted to have sex with him, reason why the attacker beat him on the head with a…

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Josep Maria Isanta Caselles

A group of fifteen people came to an area where was celebrated a concert sponsored by independent and libertarian left collectives. Once there, they start assaulting several people who were there enjoying the festivities, called “Patum” of Berga (a Catalan village), causing injuries of variable degree to some people. Then,…

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Antonio Micol Ortiz

Three young men went to the place where they knew this homeless, Antonio Micol Ortiz was sleeping and “moved by the contempt this man generated them” they began to hit him. They found him asleep and attacked him with a metal bar and a big chain. The victim tried to…

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V. A. V. C. man of ecuadorian origin

A 45-year-old Ecuadorian citizen who was found beheaded in the house which he worked taking care of an old man.The victim died after being stabbed several times in different parts of his body. On the wall of the room where the corpse was found appeared written, presumably with the victim’s…

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Mourad al-Abidine

A retired policeman killed this Moroccan 19 year-old citizen by four shots on the back. At 4 a. m. this young man left a pub with his girlfriend and another friend. On their way, he stayed behind the group and he met the former agent, who shot him four times…

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