Francisco Javier U.P., ‘la Ely’

Francisco Javier tenia 59 anys i era un activista gai conegut popularment amb el sobrenom de ‘la Ely’. Un menor de quinze anys el va agredir brutalment i va estar ingressat a l’hospital quaranta dies fins que va morir a conseqüència del dany cerebral causat pels múltiples traumatismes ocasionats durant…

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Fernando Lumbreras Márquez

L’històric activista LGBTI fou trobat mort al seu domicili lligat i amb signes de violència per tot el cos, després què uns amics avisaren que no contestava a les trucades. Els investigadors van detenir dues persones i van descartar inicialment motius d’odi en el crim, apuntant al robatori o a…

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Javier Abil Orpegui

Javier va convidar a sa casa a dos joves després d’una nit de festa. Allà, segons expliquen els agressors, van descobrir la seua orientació sexual i el van matar a ganivetades. Avisarien altres dues persones per desfer-se del cos després d’esquarterar-lo. El principal acusat fou condemnat a setze anys i…

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Rogelio Jesús Pérez Marcelino

A victim of an alleged homophobic murder in his own home. After a few drinks with a friend, Rogelio invited him to his home and always according to the murderer’s version, the victim attempted to have sex with him, reason why the attacker beat him on the head with a…

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V. A. V. C. man of ecuadorian origin

A 45-year-old Ecuadorian citizen who was found beheaded in the house which he worked taking care of an old man.The victim died after being stabbed several times in different parts of his body. On the wall of the room where the corpse was found appeared written, presumably with the victim’s…

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Isaac Pérez Triviño and Julio Anderson Luciano

Isaac Al-Dani Perez Triviño a 27-year-old Spanish man and Julio Anderson, a 32-year-old man with Brazilian origin were found at his home in Vigo, both tied, beheaded, stabbed and burned up.The aggressor, who confessed the crime, told he was with them taking party all night long. Once at the home…

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