Paloma Barreto

El cos sense vida de la víctima de 38 anys va aparèixer nu i amb divuit ganivetades al pit i les natges, al mateix pis on l’acusat del crim tenia llogada una habitació.

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Lorena Reyes Mantilla

La dona transsexual exercia com a treballadora sexual i intentava fugir del pis on un client amb el qual havia discutit l’hauria amenaçat i agredit amb un ganivet de divuit centímetres, provocant-li una profunda ferida d’arma blanca a la mà. Lorena va sortir per una finestra per intentar passar a…

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Dona transsexual

Un home i una dona van assassinar a colps a una dona transsexual en un camp de taronges proper a Castelló. La zona, segons expliquen diverses fonts, és un lloc habitual on s’exerceix la prostitució. La víctima fou asfixiada i colpejada fins a la mort. La policia va detenir al…

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Sonia Rescalvo Zafra

Six neo-nazi skinheads, among which there were three 16-year-old young boys, entered the “Parque de la Ciutadella” a park in Barcelona city and went directly to the “Musicians square”. They found there Sonia and her friend Doris Romero, both asleep. The six aggressors kicked them both with their iron-toed boots…

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Lyssa Da Silva

A 41-year-old transsexual from Brazil appeared dead with heavy bruising on head and neck. Two french tourists of 32 and 21 years old were arrested after investigation. The hypothesis of this case keeps that this woman maybe intended to have sexual intercourse with the two men in their apartment. They…

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