Delict: Homicide
Paloma Barreto
Pedro Martínez Cardona
Un home sense llar que es guanyava la vida venent flors després d’haver patit un accident laboral i quedar impedit per treballar fou atacat per un menor d’edat en una plaça que freqüentava. Segons fonts policials, l’agressor, amb l’ajut d’una altra persona major d’edat, va atacar Pedro per robar-li, propinant-li…
Vasile Mecica
Wilson Pacheco
La víctima i els seus acompanyants, tots d’origen equatorià, van intentar entrar al local ‘Caipirinha’ però els porters els van impedir el pas perquè, segons la sentència, anaven molt beguts i portaven sabatilles esportives. A partir d’aquí, es va originar una discussió i una persecució pel pont del Maremàgnum fins…
Ibrahima Dieye
José Herrería Mingriñán
José was a security guard in “Nau B-3” a nightclub at Molins de Rei (Barcelona). He received several kicks on his head and died due a serious injuries derived of it, which included cerebral hemorrhage, brain mass output and cranial vault sagging. The incident occurred at a well-known meeting point…
Roger Albert Giner
Omar Amhandi
After spending five days in coma, this citizen of Moroccan origin died as a result of a beating by two 18-year-old young men. The incident occurred at dawn, when a group of Moroccan coincided with both aggressors and started a verbal discussion. The two aggressors left the scene and came…
Sonia Rescalvo Zafra
Six neo-nazi skinheads, among which there were three 16-year-old young boys, entered the “Parque de la Ciutadella” a park in Barcelona city and went directly to the “Musicians square”. They found there Sonia and her friend Doris Romero, both asleep. The six aggressors kicked them both with their iron-toed boots…
Paloma Barreto
Pedro Martínez Cardona
Un home sense llar que es guanyava la vida venent flors després d’haver patit un accident laboral i quedar impedit per treballar fou atacat per un menor d’edat en una plaça que freqüentava. Segons fonts policials, l’agressor, amb l’ajut d’una altra persona major d’edat, va atacar Pedro per robar-li, propinant-li…
Vasile Mecica
Wilson Pacheco
La víctima i els seus acompanyants, tots d’origen equatorià, van intentar entrar al local ‘Caipirinha’ però els porters els van impedir el pas perquè, segons la sentència, anaven molt beguts i portaven sabatilles esportives. A partir d’aquí, es va originar una discussió i una persecució pel pont del Maremàgnum fins…
Ibrahima Dieye
José Herrería Mingriñán
José was a security guard in “Nau B-3” a nightclub at Molins de Rei (Barcelona). He received several kicks on his head and died due a serious injuries derived of it, which included cerebral hemorrhage, brain mass output and cranial vault sagging. The incident occurred at a well-known meeting point…
Roger Albert Giner
Omar Amhandi
After spending five days in coma, this citizen of Moroccan origin died as a result of a beating by two 18-year-old young men. The incident occurred at dawn, when a group of Moroccan coincided with both aggressors and started a verbal discussion. The two aggressors left the scene and came…
Sonia Rescalvo Zafra
Six neo-nazi skinheads, among which there were three 16-year-old young boys, entered the “Parque de la Ciutadella” a park in Barcelona city and went directly to the “Musicians square”. They found there Sonia and her friend Doris Romero, both asleep. The six aggressors kicked them both with their iron-toed boots…