Ferran Vilarmau Camps

Un jove de setze anys, Ferran Vilarmau Camps, va ser increpat i agredit per un grup de skinheads neonazis en una zona d’oci de Premià de Mar. Els agressors el van acorralar en un carrer sense sortida i després de copejar-li van clavar una punyalada que li va provocar la…

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Ángel Berrueta

Els fets van passar dos dies després dels atemptats de l’11 de març a Madrid. Una dona va acudir a la fleca que regentava la víctima per col·locar un cartell amb la llegenda “ETA NO”. El comerciant, que havia posat un crespó negre en senyal de dol, es va negar…

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Roger Albert Giner

Roger Albert Giner was stabbed in the neck with a skinner knife which caused him death four months after the agression. This young man was with some friends on the street when they came across a group of skinheads dressed in neo-Nazi clothes. This far-right skins began to insult them…

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Carlos Javier Palomino

Carlos Javier Palomino was a nearly 16-years-old young boy murdered by a Spanish soldier with neo-nazi ideology. This young boy died due a brutal stab in the heart. At least seven other young men were wounded, one of them with severe injuries produced by another stab. The murderer was going…

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Ricardo Rodríguez García

In Costa Polvoranca (Alcorcón-Madrid), several far-right skinheads assaulted Ricardo Rodriguez a 20-year-old young man who received a fatal stab in the heart. A friend of the victim also was stabbed in the buttock. Three other young men were injured by the neo-Nazis when they succored the dying young. Ricardo Rodriguez…

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Susana Ruíz

Susana Ruiz, a 16-year-old young woman, disappeared after attending a birthday party in a mansion squatted at Vicálvaro (Madrid). On February 25th, her body appeared close to where she was last seen. Although the police and the Judge maintained that her death was due to cardiac arrest and there was…

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Guillem Agulló i Salvador

Five neo-Nazi young men from Marxalenes (Valencia) identified the antifascist Guillem Agulló in a pub at Montanejos(Castellón). Guillem Agulló was a young man from Burjassot (Valencia) and militant of the left separatist organization called “Maulets” and also member of the anti-racist collective “SHARP”. Guillem wore anti-racist badges in his jacket…

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