Pablo Podadera

La víctima va sortir amb uns amics per celebrar els seus 22 anys i van anar a un local, on hi havia els acusats. Quan Pablo Podadera va sortir amb un amic, va veure una forta discussió en la qual hi havia els acusats. El jove va fer de mediador…

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José Herrería Mingriñán

José was a security guard in “Nau B-3” a nightclub at Molins de Rei (Barcelona). He received several kicks on his head and died due a serious injuries derived of it, which included cerebral hemorrhage, brain mass output and cranial vault sagging. The incident occurred at a well-known meeting point…

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Rafael Rincón Rodríguez

The attack took place a few hundred meters from the entrance of two nightclubs, “Chasis” and “Eqlògic”, from where the victims and attackers came after the closure of the premises. The fight began when the group of friends of the victim (from Sant Feliu de Llobregat), made a remark about…

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Josep Maria Isanta Caselles

A group of fifteen people came to an area where was celebrated a concert sponsored by independent and libertarian left collectives. Once there, they start assaulting several people who were there enjoying the festivities, called “Patum” of Berga (a Catalan village), causing injuries of variable degree to some people. Then,…

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Alberto Javier Morales

After finishing his workday at a pub in the area, Alberto Javier Morales and a friend were going home when as he passed in front of another pub, they saw other two young men kicking garbage bags. After they reproach their behavior, the two young aggressors pursued them until they…

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Eladio Fernández

This case was widely known as the “Crime of the Baseball Bat”. A group of young far-right skinheads, including several minors, faced up an old pensionary man for a discussion about traffic issues. When the man got out of his car, he was severely beaten with a baseball bat on…

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Francisco Manuel Casas Delgado

Francisco, treballador d’una fàbrica de mobles, es va emportar un cop al cap amb un bat de beisbol. Va ser donat d’alta a urgències després de cosir-li la ferida i l’endemà va morir. Segons la Prefectura Superior de Policia de Madrid, el detonant va ser una discussió entre dos grups…

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Fernando Bertolá Navarro

A 21-year-old Law student was stabbed in Majadahonda (Madrid). He didn’t yield pass to three young men who where walking along the same sidewalk. The victim was fatally stabbed in the chest and he died on the spot. A friend who was with him was also stabbed in the thigh.…

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David Emilio González Rubio

David, his girlfriend and another friend were walking by the Moncloa district of Madrid about 00:30 pm when two boys who were urinating in the street approached them and cried “Viva Franco, hail Spain” beating them with brass knuckles. David and his friends followed one of their attackers and when…

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David Martín Martín

David Martin was a 21-year-old young man from Pinto (Madrid) who was killed as a result of the brutal beating he received by several members of the band called “Los Pastilleros”. According to a report made by the 111 Command of the Civil Guard, the attackers were skinheads of neo-Nazi…

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