Said Tahraoui

Jorge Callejas Hernández va matar la seva víctima després d’haver estat parlant amistosament amb ella a un bar. En aquest establiment havia quedat amb el seu cosí i tots dos s’hi van estar hores fins que va tancar. Posteriorment, el botxí va veure com esta persona sense sostre, d’origen algerià,…

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Paloma Barreto

El cos sense vida de la víctima de 38 anys va aparèixer nu i amb divuit ganivetades al pit i les natges, al mateix pis on l’acusat del crim tenia llogada una habitació.

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Dos amics d’origen xinés de 25 i 30 anys haurien discutit amb els agressors dins la discoteca Zich. Un cop a l’exterior de l’establiment tots dos van ser colpejats i el més jove va rebre una pallissa salvatge, motiu pel qual va ser traslladat a l’Hospital Clínic, on va entrar…

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Wilson Pacheco

La víctima i els seus acompanyants, tots d’origen equatorià, van intentar entrar al local ‘Caipirinha’ però els porters els van impedir el pas perquè, segons la sentència, anaven molt beguts i portaven sabatilles esportives. A partir d’aquí, es va originar una discussió i una persecució pel pont del Maremàgnum fins…

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Ibrahima Dieye

One of the aggressors approached a group of Senegalese who where playing football at the street to reproach them not to do so. The aggressor insulted them as “Motherfuckers, fucking black crap, go away to your country”. As they refused to stop playing, this man called his two sons at…

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Francisco Quezada Ramírez

During a discussion, a young man hit the victim on the face with a motorcycle helmet that caused him a severe head injury, becoming death after four days in a coma. The victim was taking some refreshments close to a nut shop with his two brothers, according with one of…

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Carlos Gustavo Bueno

Witnesses explained that the aggression was a racist attack because the aggressors shouted “fucking mex” several times. This witnesses also explained that the fact that motivated the aggression was that the victim, an Ecuadorian citizen, was urinating in a park while there were some kids playing. The victim suffered hard…

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Omar Amhandi

After spending five days in coma, this citizen of Moroccan origin died as a result of a beating by two 18-year-old young men. The incident occurred at dawn, when a group of Moroccan coincided with both aggressors and started a verbal discussion. The two aggressors left the scene and came…

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Salah Touil

Two young Moroccans and two Spanish friends celebrate the birthday of one of them in a nightclub frequented by young Latin Americans. “I do not know why started the fight because they did not hit each other at the disco. Salah had a word with an Ecuadorian and then he…

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Mourad al-Abidine

A retired policeman killed this Moroccan 19 year-old citizen by four shots on the back. At 4 a. m. this young man left a pub with his girlfriend and another friend. On their way, he stayed behind the group and he met the former agent, who shot him four times…

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